How do I become a member?

Are you interested in becoming a member? This is how:

  1. Read the club’s Bylaws and Code-of-Conduct. The bylaws describe the membership process in detail. Importantly, all prospective members must own a Jeep brand vehicle. In order to avoid surprises down the road please do not skip this step.
  2. Submit a membership application along with a $10 application fee to apply.


Membership offers will be made in order of application when space is available under the club’s membership cap.

Upon receipt of a membership offer you have 30 days to pay dues which is currently $75. Payment information will be provided as part of the membership offer. If dues are not received within 30 days then the membership offer expires and you must reapply in order to join. Once dues have been received a 12 month probationary period begins. During the probationary period you must attend a minimum of 1 quarterly meeting and 4 club events including 2 events where you act in the capacity of volunteer.

The club is currently accepting new members. Once your completed application is received then you can expect a membership offer within a short time. In the meantime applicants are welcome to attend club events so be sure to check the Events forum regularly.

Can this be made a sticky for the board?

i submitted an application and paid the fee. I didnt have time to join last year because of my new job and did not want to take someones spot that would be more committed to the club. I have a lot more time to commit myself this time around.

Here is the beauty of the new bylaws… No one ever “takes up” a spot on the member list. Periodically, the BOD can look and see what activity level we have and increase the number of membership cap spots we take to be sure we don’t have too many inactive members.

Think about it… Inactive members (even if you do 1 event per year) are very valuable to the club, awesome on the forum and help support our operating costs just like a member who does every trail ride. I don’t think anyone would encourage any members to walk away due to capacity. I would encourage you to join, keep current and attend when you can.

A lot of discussion went into the bylaw change to allow this new rule to accommodate this exact situation. Do it!.. Join and stay!

I notice the OSJ web site “join” link states "We are not accepting applications at this time. ’ Is that still valid?

Not really. It should say we are looking for somebody to build a new web site and keep it up to date.


My brother is a partner in a web design company. I know he’s pretty straight out, but I did ask him if he’d be willing to put together a site for the club pro bono. He said he would. I’ll to talk to him a bit more about it next week.

I do have a word press demo started in my personal server. I have had some major issues that came up since last meeting so I will pass you the link I just haven’t had the time with my stress level lately.

Already submitted my $10 application fee online. What comes next?

Scroll up and read the first post. Also read the bylaws which explain the membership process in more detail. When a spot becomes available you will recieve a membership offer via Private Message.

site says not accepting new members is there a way I can join or do I have to wait till next year ?

Web site is out of date. The first post of this thread contains the correct links.

thank you

is there a way I can come pay cash today for membership as I don’t have a cc

CVS. Pre-paid CC

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

will do today

The first post has been updated with current membership information. As of this moment, if all outstanding membership offers are accepted then we have just 2 spots open for new applicants in 2016.

I paid for something a while back, might have been just an application fee. Do I pay dues before I’ve heard if I’m going to become a member?

An update was emailed to all applicants on Jan 27. It was sent to the email address entered with your application. Did you get it?

Short answer is that the club reached its membership cap in 2016. Renewals for current members close on Feb 15 after which additional openings will become available. Hang in there. Just another week or so!