ZJ lift

Finally , my wife gave me some spending money for my Jeep ! :stuck_out_tongue: and im gonna lift it 3 " from a stock 95 ZJ with new shocks , control arms , etc… Well not spending $ that would get this into a jeep magazine , but enough to do some better trails than the bunny trails that are 1 star . more like 3 stars (outta 5) is what I could be eyeing upon .
Im gonna use those 3 " hockey pucks (budget) reminder :cry: to start . now comes my question : whats the best shocks to use ?
I can spend somewhere around $250-300 for all 4 shocks . Also running 235/75/15’s right now and thinking going 16" rims (what size tires would fit before rubbing ?
Thanks for your reply , now I wii join you in some trail fun when im finished

Buy springs and shock no hockey pucks. Call barrette Fab and go with rough country great starter kits

I would love to , but thats more than budget . :wink:

All you need to do is buy one pair of zj. 3 inch lift coils for the front and put your stock front coils in the rear. Then buy some shocks should cost well under 300.

sounds great , but ya think my zj with over 350,000 miles in it those front coils might be a little tired ?

I have v8 springs if you want them 20 bucks

SOLD :smiley:

hey animal , check your mail .

Mark , let me me know when and where we can meet for those springs .

I messaged you back. Sorry I was on a fishing trip with no service