SSW Earth Day Cleanup in Taunton, MA sat April 24, 2010

The South Shore Wheelers will be having an Earth Day Cleanup in Taunton, MA on Saturday April 24, 2010. We will be picking up large piles of debris and a rather large sum of tires. Any help with manpower will be graciously accepted.

Meeting at 8am Behind the McDonalds on Rt 44 in Taunton, MA:,±71.119212&num=1&t=h&sll=41.897716,-71.160116&sspn=0.024829,0.063424&ie=UTF8&ll=41.888437,-71.11918&spn=0.003866,0.007532&z=17&iwloc=A]click here for MAP

Trail Rating: 1-2. Full Size trucks and or trailers can easily make it through most of one trail without issue. The other trail is slightly tighter, but has less debris on it.


  1. Texsdream77 - Jeep and 5x10 Ut
  2. Cookieman - Pick-up Truck
  3. Staceyface (Mike actally)
  4. BlueJeep


Mike said he would attend this…
I have a bridal shower in Southie that day, so I can’t make it.

Add me to the list. I can bring my utility trailer with me.

Just a plug for Steve - everyone who can make this should. It’s a great project and could be great publicity.

That said, unfortunately I’m out. I was in the hospital last week with kidney stones and currently have a stent in place - I can’t do much of anything without major pain.

ouch, sorry to hear Jon. good luck

You can come and hang at base camp if you feel like getting out.

Free Pizza and Burgers!

Ouch is right, hope you are doing better :slight_smile:

[i][b]Hi All

Spent last evening in the ER for a ruptured blood vessel in my eye. I am not allow to lift anything (nor should I be driving) for a couple of days. Monday will see eye doctor and if the bleed hasn’t stopped, will have laser surgery. It is tough getting old, not like most everyone else here, still looking toward middle age. Needless to say…I will have to cancel my attendance on Saturday. :frowning:


id go but i really need to chase the gremlins down on my Jeep to hopefully be able to wheel the next day