gas furnace......

so this has been a great couple months… i installed a new patio door not to long ago $900… new siding which is part of a new condo assessment. i had 5 new windows installed yesterday, figured if everything else outside is getting upgraded might as well do everything $1500. well my furnace hasn’t been working right so i called GEM plumbing because everyone charges $99 just to come out. well come to find out the CO levels were off the charts and he shut everything down and made me sign a waiver holding him harmless if i decided to turn it back on. i asked him to work me up a quote on how much install will be… $6000… great timing. and there go my build funds.

any plumbers out there? doesn’t seem like it’s THAT hard of a job…

UGH! Merry “effin” Xmas… Sorry!

Wow, that sucks. All-of-a-sudden I don’t feel so bad about the $1,300 it just cost to have the coils in my car replaced.

So there was no option to repair the existing furnace? What exactly could cause it to be giving off CO? Well, I mean combustion naturally generates CO but I would expect it to be vented out through the pipes instead of released into the house. Or maybe its generating to much CO because the combustion mixture is incorrect. Either way its not rocket science.

I use Hawkes (401) 568-3369, see what he says?

its an old boiler from a company that has since gone out of business because they were sued so many times because these boilers didn’t have enough safety features. at this point in time everything is out of date and inadequate according to todays codes and laws. it can be “fixed” for $800 and drilling holes through my house or a couple grand for a new unit… this sucks!!! and now with the cold weather rolling in all the sudden its going to be an urgent issue.

Sorry to hear that bro, i always say if its not one thing its three :unamused:

So how did you make out???

ended up getting a high efficiency condensing hot water unit. it works great but expensive!