A new jeep owner and a new member to OSJ

Hi my name is Ronald Lefaivre I am new to the Jeep family, I have a 2018 JL jeep Rubicon unlimited.
I am still trying to figure out my new Jeep, I am excited to meet members and learn some things about my jeep and the club.

Welcome Ron! Check the Events forum often. Hope to see you soon.

Welcome aboard, Ron!



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I’m also a new member. My name is Bill Gemma. I have a 2016 Wrangler unlimited that has not been off road yet. I did a lot of off road driving when I was in the Army years ago using many different types of military vehicles. It was a lot of fun and I would like to get back in it. I look forward to meeting and talking with OSJ members.

Welcome! You might want to make a new thread though.

Welcome guys

Welcome both of you :exclamation:


Welcome to the both of you!

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Welcome new wheelers :smiley: :smiley: